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Outlaw Trails

Privately owned/posted and gated property means

Coming to visit the mountains of Southeast KY or Southwest WV? If so then it is possible you have heard of the infamnous Outlaw Trails. If you are just now hearing about them then you are getting it straight from the source. These trails although the same by definition are treated diferently according to which side of the Tug River you are kicking up dust on. West Virginia does not take kindly to this term. Kentucky on the other hand, does not frown on the term Outlaw Trails, yet that is. Kentucky is in the process of unveiling the Hillbilly Trail system and then they may frown on the term outlaw trails as well.

Outlaw Trails are located on privately owned land, riding there is a privilege not a right!  

Hire A Guide

To get the best experience and capture the adventure the oultaw trails have to offer, hire a guide. Do your research and get someone reputable. Let them know what you are looking for. Be specific if you want to see the historical side of the outlaw trails and the horses, let them know. If you want to risk your life with technical trails they can take you to those places as well. If you are unsure just be sure to reach out to one of these fine guides.

Herbie Dotson;

Leo New:

Dennis Gibbs

Benji Hurley


Rent an Adventure!

If you do not own an off road machine do not let that stop you from getting in on the adventure of the great outdoors. Many great rental agencies are available and cater to both official trails as well as outlaw trails. Be sure to check with the rental company before hitting outlaw trails in a rental. 

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